Our vast selection of microfiber wet mop pads, microfiber dust mop pads, microfiber wall mop pads, etc…
Microfiber is a synthetic fiber made from a blend of polyester and polyamide. The small fibers are one-sixteenth the size of a human hair and they act as a “hook” to scrape up and hold dust, dirt, and grime. With our vast selection of microfiber wet mop pads, microfiber dust mop pads, microfiber wall mop pads, microfiber cloths, microfiber towels, microfiber frames and containers, we’ll provide you the right microfiber products to help maintain your clean facility.
Microfiber penetrates surface pores to remove tiny dust particles. Eliminates cross-contamination with mop pads designed for quick, frequent changes. Reduces chemicals, water, and energy to clean, saving time and money.
Premier Microfiber Wet Mop Pad
- Microfiber wet mop pads are designed to remove tiny dust particles
- Eliminate cross contamination
- Reduce the use of chemicals, water and energy
Microfiber dust mop pads are designed to pick up dirt and dust on flat surfaces where conventional mop cannot reach.
Shop Microfiber Dust Mop PadsMICROFIBER WALL MOP PADS
Premier Microfiber Wall Mop Pads
- Microfiber wall mop pads are designed to remove tiny dust particles
- Eliminate cross contamination
- Reduce the use of chemicals, water and energy
Premier Microfiber Cleaning Towels
General Purpose Microfiber Cloth, Suede Microfiber Cloth, Glass Microfiber Cloth
- Microfiber cloths are ideal for cleaning or dusting any surface, wet or dry
- Available in 16″x16″ microfiber clothsize

Microfiber can absorb up to seven times their weight in water due to their high density and surface area. Cleaning up spills is a snap, and microfiber mops reduce the amount of water and chemicals needed to complete the job.
Cost Efficiency
Since microfiber soak up more water and trap more dirt, many users find that they don’t need to use nearly as much cleaning product and water to get the job done. Because of this efficiency, cleaning jobs take less time and less labor. From mopping floors to polishing metal, microfiber products cut back on chemicals, time, and grime.
Once a microfiber product is soiled, simply throw it in the wash! Most microfiber cloths, mops, and pads can withstand over 500 uses (launderable), provided you follow this simple tip: Don’t use microfiber with or wash it with bleach or fabric softener. Bleach degrades the material, breaking it down quicker. Fabric softener clings to and coats the microfiber, so it won’t clean surfaces as well or rinse as thoroughly.
Premier Microfiber Aluminum Frame
- Heavy duty lightweight aluminum microfiber frames with Velcro to attach the pads to the frame provides easy maneuvering on flat surfaces.
Premier Microfiber Wall Mop Frame
- Heavy duty lightweight plastic frames with Velcro to attach the microfiber pads to the frame provides easy maneuvering on flat surfaces.
Premier Microfiber Aluminum Telescoping Mop Handle
- 42″ – 70″ Lightweight aluminum telescoping poles adapt to various heights.
Premier Microfiber Charging Container
Microfiber 15 quart plastic charging containers are designed to allow the user to presoak microfiber pads before use by simply adding cleaning solution to the container then stacking the pads in the solution.
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